Monday 24 September 2007

Project Plan

Create main website under our own media marketing company name. This site will be the body and core to the project.

The site will HOST the following

3 Websites - 1) A Artists Portfolio Site using Lightbox
- 2) Holidays Extras. A Holiday company has allowed us to build a site on their booking engine to inlcude in our main site.
- 3) Yet to confirmed but we are thinking one for a band?!

1 Video - 1) Yet to be confirmed but are undecided on a video for a music band, or a TV advert.

Flash and Maya - Here we like to inlcude a stream of video and/or sound.
Ash has come up with the idea to make up a animation clip for a company called Exterity who are an IPTV manufacturers. Also we can include still shots from various Maya Animations.

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